End of Season Long Western Results

What a marvellous day that was last Sunday. An almost full field of 51 archers gathered to shoot various Western-family rounds in conditions that ranged from breezy sunshine to miserable drizzle. Not only did they all manage it, even the scoresheets were all legible after the downpour. An especial congratulations to Lily-Ann Plumtree of South Leeds Archers, who shot a new Yorkshire record (subject to confirmation)
Totting up the scores was made easier by there only being one mistake (a bizarre one – a dozen score of 476) across all the running slips.
There was a large raffle, and even larger awards ceremony. We had purchased a number of new and replacement trophies, which were well received, and, with the number of categories being shot, it did seem at times as if every archer won at least one medal.
Throughout the day, catering was, as usual, provided. Special note must be made of the chilli, which had a distinct “kick” to it.
The Lord Patron was Max Oakley, who even gave an impromptu speech at the end, and was duly rewarded with his weight in Jolly Ranchers!

The final results are HERE
Photos are HERE

End of Season Open Tournament

Yes it’s that time of year again. There is just over a week to go before our Open Long Western Tournament so get your last minute entries in now. There are a few spaces left so come and have some fun to finish the summer break.


And the winner is!

Once more, the might of Bronte Archers clashed with the Bowmen of Adel to determine who were “Lords of the North”, this time at Adel. Under the benign and impartial guidance of some man with a beard, the two teams were set several traditional challenges. Some triumphed, others fell far, far short.

There were the usual rounds – shooting wrong-handed, the Snake, the Pig, the Clout – though they were set at a slightly longer distance this year. The “Special” target was based on three major current sporting events. Archers were supposed to recognise the flags of Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Chinese Taipei and Malaysia as belonging to Archery nations, while Colombia, Venezuela, Chile and (yes) Japan and Qatar were taking part in the Copa America. The chap in charge made a pig’s ear of the rules, but applied that ear equally across the board. (Sorry). There was an amusing twist to the forfeits, (Well, amusing to those who didn’t have to do it) as we introduced “Carol’s Cauldron”, so called because Carol did not suggest it, and it was not a Cauldron but a plastic bucket. Yes, the poor unfortunates who hit the right forfeit had to “Bob for Strawberries”. And very game they were too, despite the water getting suspiciously polluted towards the end.

To achieve impartial fairness, the team scores were totalled, but then averaged to determine the winner. Adel still won

The full results are HERE

Pictures HERE

Thanks to all who turned up, especially those who brought food. Next year…. Who knows?
