
Don’t forget this Saturday the 10th is Frostbite day. Come along and shoot 3 dozen arrows at 30m, you know you want to.  There will be tea and coffee, (someone bring the milk).  There may even be some food.  Sighters are at 10am but come a little earlier to help set up the range.



What a year it’s been so far for Tom and Max Oakley.  Over the course of this summer, the boys have claimed County records for shooting Barebow in their respective age groups.  Both Tom and Max first set a record and then went on to break it again and in Max’s case again, in subsequent competitions.  Check out the link here for the full breakdown of all the records achieved in the County this year. Also to note that they each now hold a Northern Counties record.  So that’s the record for their respective Bristol rounds across five counties.

A fantastic achievement and a well deserved pat on the back.  Keep up the good work cos you’re doing us proud.


The results are in

Our first outdoor competition of the winter season took place last Saturday 14th October.  The weather was unusually good to us with only a slight breeze, and what can only be described as positively warm conditions for the time of year.  We had a fair few archers that braved these alarmingly disturbing conditions to take part, and consume all the lovely goodies that were kindly provided.

There were three competitions going on at the same time.

Firstly, the monthly Frostbite for any member of the club.

The winners were;  Junior – Robert,  Longbow – Rod, Ladies Recurve – Fiona, Gents Recurve – Darren.

Next was the Chip and Pin for those beginners still in their first year of shooting.  There is only one trophy for this, irrespective of gender and this years winner was Fiona.  The junior John Mirfield Trophy went to Jude.

Finally the “Pro-am” which was won by Fiona and Rod.

A big thank you to all those that took part, and congratulations to the winners.
