Club Indoor Championships

The Club Indoor Championships will take place shortly, in the evening sessions of March 21st and 23rd, and the 2pm session on March 26th. The round is a Portsmouth round. You may only enter one score per bowstyle.
So, because space is limited:-
- You may book in as normal to any or all of the three sessions. However, priority will be given to those intending to shoot their Championship score at that session. So, when you book up, let Paul know when you intend to shoot your Championship round.(If 16 archers follow you, and all say they want to shoot their round in that session, but you don’t, you may find yourself bumped)
- You must say before you start shooting that this is your Championship round – no picking your best round of three shot!
The awards ceremony will be held at the end of the 2pm session on Sunday
There are trophies on scores for each bowstyle and handicaps, for Ladies gentlemen and Juniors. So plenty to compete for.
Final Frostbite for this season.

The final frostbite of the 2016-2017 winter season took place on Saturday 11th March. The weather was very kind to us, being about 11 degrees with no wind and more important no rain. There were 12 scoring archers – the results were as follows;
Ladies: 1st Nicky(290) 2nd Carol(275)
Juniors: 1st Tom(267) Robert(221)
Gents: 1st Paul(288) Barry(268) 3rd Darren(260)
Matt (314)
The winners of each section get to keep the relative trophies until we start the frostbite season again later this year.