Club Championships 2023

Bowmen of Adel

Outdoor Club Championships – 2023
Will be held on
Monday August 28th

What better way to spend a bank holiday than at the annual Bowmen of Adel Outdoor Championships?  This is an internal competition for club members and associates. 

There are two options available to shoot:

1. 12 dozen arrows (total), shot at 3 different distances – for those able to shoot all day 
2. 6 dozen arrows (total), shot at 2 different distances – for those who don’t want to do option 1, or can only attend in the morning or afternoon.

In all cases, you choose the maximum distance that you want to shoot at. 

If shooting all day, the options are:

  • 100yds (6 dozen) / 80yds (4 dozen) / 60yds (2 dozen).  This is called a ‘York’ round and is for the gents only
  • 80yds (6 dozen) / 60yds (4 dozen) / 50yds (2 dozen).  A ‘Hereford’ or ‘Bristol 1’ round.
  • 60yds (6 dozen) / 50yds (4 dozen) / 40yds (2 dozen).  A ‘Bristol 2’ round
  • 50yds (6 dozen) / 40yds (4 dozen) / 30yds (2 dozen). A ‘Bristol 3’ round
  • 40yds (6 dozen) / 30yds (4 dozen) / 20yds (2 dozen). A ‘Bristol 4’ round
  • 30yds (6 dozen) / 20yds (4 dozen) / 10yds (2 dozen). A ‘Bristol 5’ round.

If only shooting in the morning or afternoon, the options are:

  • 100yds (4 dozen) / 80yds (2 dozen).  A ‘New National’ round
  • 80yds (4 dozen) / 60yds (2 dozen). A ‘Long National’ round
  • 60yds (4 dozen) / 50yds (2 dozen). A ‘National’ round
  • 50yds (4 dozen) / 40yds (2 dozen). A ‘National 50’ round
  • 40yds (4 dozen) / 30yds (2 dozen). A ‘National 40’ round
  • 30yds (4 dozen) / 20yds (2 dozen). A ‘National 30’ round
  • 20yds (4 dozen) / 10yds (2 dozen). It’s not an official round, but we’ll call it a ‘National 20’


  • Set-up range from 9.30am
  • Sighters at 10.30am
  • Lunch after the first 6 dozen arrows (approx 1pm)
  • Sighters for afternoon shooters – after lunch (approx 2pm)

Chilli and vegetable curry will be available for lunch.
Please, please – Anyone with offers of contributions for lunch, no matter how big or small (drinks, nibbles, pudding), please contact Carol Wood.
A donations tin will be on hand if you prefer to make a monetary donation in lieu of food or drink.

 You don’t have to have shot in the morning – or at all –  to have lunch. Come along. The more the merrier.

Calling all beginners

There are two competitions for joiners from this year’s beginners courses

  • For those who wish to shoot the full 12-dozen arrows, trophies will be awarded for the Bristol 4 (40 yards, 30 yards and 20 yards)  or the Bristol 5 (30 yards, 20 yards, 10 yards) 
  • For those who only wish to shoot 6 dozen arrows, there is a competition for adults and for juniors at 30/20 yards.

The small print

Strictly speaking, championship trophies are only awarded to those shooting the York (Men) or Hereford (Women) rounds. If there are no entries in those categories, the championships can be awarded for a Hereford (Gentlemen) or Bristol 2 (Ladies).

Archers may shoot other distances if they wish, but will only be eligible for the handicap competition
All archers, morning or afternoon, who hold a current handicap will be eligible for the handicap competitions)

There are numerous trophies up for grabs at every conceivable level of the shoot from overall club champ to worst white of the day, and all the bits in-between,

Would all holders  please remember to return the trophies (Darren, Deborah, Matt, Sue, Kim, Bessie, Adrian, Roxanne and Rohan).

If you wish to come, please book via the website. The booking page will be updated shortly to include options for Club Champs ‘all day,’ ‘morning’ and ‘afternoon’.  Just enter the maximum distance you wish to shoot. 

Please don’t be put off taking part by feeling it is too serious or too much. The main ‘aim’ is simply to get all members together and enjoy a full day of pure archery on home ground and friendly turf…(and consume food).  No doubt, there will be a gathering in the bar at the end of the shoot too!   

Hope to see you there.


Let’s Try Again


Start Archery Week Have a Go.

