The Open

It was a glorious day on Sunday, with sunshine, light, fluffy clouds, and a slight breeze. Perfect for Archery (but perhaps lass so for the runners in the Leeds half-marathon, which had caused all our approach roads to be closed)

We had a huge turnout, with some 58 entrants over 25 categories. We have really reinforced our reputation for being a good “First” tournament. Not that this reduced the quality of shooting. The Gents compound clash was particularly closely fought, being settled by one point. Perhaps annoyingly for them, the Ladies Recurve winner equalled their score, setting a Yorkshire record in the process. At the other end of the scale, another record was claimed for Junior Ladies Barebow at the Short Junior Western.

Sadly, we could not offer our trademark Chilli, but the cake stall did a roaring trade. Our visitors also dug deep in their pockets to support the raffle. Healthy income for the club.

The event was judged, as usual, by Louise Smith, firmly and fairly. Our Lady Paramount, Deborah Waterhouse, was rewarded with gin – and a hearty rendition of “Happy Birthday”

Thanks to all members who turned up to help – without them our events could not go ahead.


The Chip ‘n’ Pin

August Bank Holiday Monday – August 30th

First, because of the limited shooting we have had this year, we have again decided not to hold the annual Outdoor Club Championships. I am sorry that this means whoever is holding the Wooden Spoon will have to bear the sight of it for another year.


We will instead hold the annual

Chip and Pin



The Chip and Pin is a competition between those who have taken up archery within the last twelve months. There is a trophy for adults and one for juniors. The round used will be suitable for inexperienced archers.
For the Pro-Am, those self-same inexperienced archers will be paired with those who have shot for a while, to compete for the “Dead Spider” trophies (don’t ask!)
So inexperienced archers get two competitions for one!
We will have sighters at 11, shoot one distance, have a lunch break, then shoot the second distance. 
You don’t have to let us know you’re coming – but it would help us to be able to set up the field and sort food if you do. There is a separate booking slot on the form now too. BOOK HERE


The Nock

We had a Nock…..

On May 31st, ten archers braved the awful conditions to shoot this year’s Nock. Oh, that blazing sunshine! That slight breeze! This is not the gloomy drizzle that archers enjoy.
Correctly distanced across the field, the full range of “Western” family rounds was in evidence. As the Nock is a handicap shoot, you can shoot any round you like and still take part. Alex P took advantage of this by starting only after lunch and shooting a Short Junior Warwick. Sue took even greater advantage, by devising a round of her own, shooting the first distance at an Imperial distance, the second at a Metric. But Hey! we had fun.
Sadly, we  could not have the traditional community nosh, so chilli was not available. But we each had our individual picnics, on the grass in the welcome shade.

  • Alex won the “Glass Nock” (for archers without a handicap yet)
  • The Bronze Nock went to Carol
  • The Silver Nock went to Deborah
  • The Gold Nock – the overall winner, went to Ian.

It really was a perfect day – everything that is best in archery

Click HERE for more
