Christmas Fun Shoot

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas……..

Jingle bells, Batman smells…….

All seem familiar???!!!
Well let’s add a little distraction with the Bowmen of Adel Christmas shoot!!!

  • 4 dozen arrows of fun shooting using the snake bows.
  • Festive / Fancy dress is optional and always welcome.

Refreshments will be available so if anyone would like to bring food, etc can you please let Mrs Christmas (Carol Wood to you and I) know what you are able to bring along. You can let her know on email, via me or the WhatsApp group.

This is a great social event and a amusing way to see in the holiday period.
Come ready to start shooting at 2pm prompt.     

Why not stay behind afterwards and adjourn to the bar to join in the AWMA Christmas celebrations (mince pies, mulled wine, mulled cider and mulled tea).   

News will follow for the new year shooting calendar including THE MUPPET SHOOT!!!! on January 4th, And the Ironman on December 28th.

Whether we see you on Sunday or not, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and shooting over the last year and wish you and your loved ones a happy, peaceful and fun filled Christmas and all my hopes and dreams for 2020.x

Tournament Organiser
Bowmen of Adel


Awards Night and AGM


End of Season Long Western Results

What a marvellous day that was last Sunday. An almost full field of 51 archers gathered to shoot various Western-family rounds in conditions that ranged from breezy sunshine to miserable drizzle. Not only did they all manage it, even the scoresheets were all legible after the downpour. An especial congratulations to Lily-Ann Plumtree of South Leeds Archers, who shot a new Yorkshire record (subject to confirmation)
Totting up the scores was made easier by there only being one mistake (a bizarre one – a dozen score of 476) across all the running slips.
There was a large raffle, and even larger awards ceremony. We had purchased a number of new and replacement trophies, which were well received, and, with the number of categories being shot, it did seem at times as if every archer won at least one medal.
Throughout the day, catering was, as usual, provided. Special note must be made of the chilli, which had a distinct “kick” to it.
The Lord Patron was Max Oakley, who even gave an impromptu speech at the end, and was duly rewarded with his weight in Jolly Ranchers!

The final results are HERE
Photos are HERE