
Chip and Pin

The chips are done!

Saturday morning dawned wet and windy. So wet and windy, in fact, that most archers opted for the dry safety of home, rather than venture out onto the field to contest the “Chip and Pin”. So few new members were there in fact that the trophies were won without a shot being loosed.
The winners were:-
Chip and Pin – Martin Wynne
John Mirfield Plaque – Bradley Jackson

The Frostbite

Nonetheless, there was still some archery to perform. The first half took the form of a “Frostbite” round (3 doz at 30 metres), and was used to determine who should hold the trophies for this month. The results in this tussle were:-
Iceberg (Ladies) – Nicky Oakley – 269
Icicle (Gente#s) – Paul Winfield – 301
Iciclette (Juniors) – Tom Oakley – 284
Pine Splinter (Longbows) – Rod Wood – 995

An interlude

We now paused for the consumption of bacon butties (provided by Roger) and ample tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits. We do love our food.

The Dead Spider

There was yet more to do. As there were not enough inexperienced archers to make the usual “Pro/Am” teams, we decided to simply draw pairs and decide the winners on handicap. The results were over the whole round, which was a Short Metric III (or IV if you were Vish and Bradley), incorporating the scores from the earlier Frostbite bit.
The convincing winners, by over 60 points were Sue Burgess and Paul Winfield, who had both shot above their par score

The Scores

  Frostbite score Short Metric III score Handicap Allowance Adjusted score Pair Score
Sue Burgess 251 522 960 1482 2925
Paul Winfield 301 638 805 1443  
Bradley Jackson 171 417 1023 1440 2864
Vishal Sharma 309 655 769 1424  
Darren Clarkson 275 590 805 1395 2842
Martin Wynne 251 546 901 1447  
Fiona Mortimer 241 540 877 1417 2834
Tom Oakley 284 607 810 1417  
Austin Denton 293 621 796 1417 2760
Carol Wood 210 450 893 1343  
Rod Wood 127 356 995 1351 2756
Roger Parslow 248 520 885 1405  
Nicky Oakley 269 549 831 1380 2728
Max Oakley 203 479 869 1348  
Robert Stoves 121        


  1. Bradley and Vish shot a Short Metric IV
  2. Robert left after the Frostbite section
Actually, the weather was not too bad, quite warm, in fact, if a tad breezy. We attracted quite a few interested parties who paused to watch and chat while walking past on their way to watch Hockey. All in all a very pleasant morning

Wharfedale Tournament

On September 9th, a formidable group of longbowmen, under the watchful eye of Keith Shooter, gathered at the club to shoot the 40th “Bowmen of Wharfedale” longbow tournament. The round was a 2-way Western, under BLBS rules – so no sights or sighters. It is remarkable to anyone not versed in the way of the longbow how anyone manages to hit the target at all (though not all arrows did). Conditions were not perfect, with little sunshine, scurries of rain and a gusting breeze, but the archers cheerfully shot on. Lunchtime saw them provided with pie and peas and fruit tart, all of which drew compliments from many. Lunchtime also saw the only prolonged period of breezeless sun, and the morning conditions returned to welcome the archers back.

The club had many members participating. Not least Carol Wood, who briefly left slaving in the kitchens behind to serve elegantly as Lady Paramount. We also had two awards – Steffi Hermanski took the prize for Ladies – Most Hits, while Alex Hermanski was delighted to receive the “Do it yourself longbow kit” for most greens.

A surprise award was made at the end, as the BLBS presented David Aikin with an engraved tankard for organising the tournament these many years, and keeping the flame of BLBS archery alive. Well-deserved indeed!

Next year’s tournament is booked for September 8th – get your entries in now!

Photos of the day’s events can be found here.
