May Day

The Sun came out!
A huge thank you to everyone who came to help out on the May Bank Holiday Have a Go session! Whether it was for a few hours, or if you stayed into extra time – your help was very much appreciated. 

The day was a huge success and everyone had fun! We also had gorgeous weather, with the afternoon breeze helping to keep us cool. 



Try your hand at archery

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Easter fun shoot

Well what a day that was.  The weather was a little on the chilly side, even for the hardy Bowmen of Adel.  Having said that, everyone there thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had a great time.  The new breed of jelly bows certainly lived up to expectations with some wonderfully wayward shots.

May I say a big thank you to Bronte Archers for hosting the event and for putting on a great spread.

For those of you interested in the actual scores.  Our juniors came away with 1st and 2nd place.  The ladies cleared up with 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  Unfortunately the gents let us down with not one podium place.  Bronte won the team event.  But that was only because they have 5 more members than we did.  When it cam to the most important score though, the Bowmen of Adel showed their true skills and  destroyed the opposition 6 nil in the quest for chocolate bunnies.

Sadly Ann Gibbs didn’t get the giant bunny in the mini clout that she so desperately wanted.  That honour went to one of Bronte’s archers  Daniel Boulby.

Remember the return match will be held as part of our Strawberry Shoot in July.

Check out the Photo Gallery to see how cold it was and the frozen smiles all round.
