The Nock

Yes, Monday May 31st  – bank holiday – it’s “The Nock” (and the AGM, for good measure).
This is the first of the season’s major in-club events. The most important fact to remember is that this is a handicap shoot – which often means that it is won by those who are improving, not necessarily those at the top of their game, so anyone has a chance, regardless of bow type. Sighters are at 11am Range Set-up 10.30am The rounds used are the “Western” family – four dozen at one distance, four at the next distance down. You can shoot 100/80 yards if you want, right down to 30/20. So no excuses there. Lunch will be taken after the first distance, probably around 1ish. This is usually the highlight of the day, but very much depends on how we manage social distancing. If we feel we can have the usual, we will let people know nearer the time. Otherwise, you will have to be content with memories aroused by the above photo. The second distance will start after lunch. If you couldn’t make the morning, you can still take part, by shooting one of the “Warwick” family of rounds – 2 dozen plus 2 dozen. So no excuses there. It is a beautifully gentle day, with no stress or pressure. If you haven’t been shooting outdoors yet, it is the perfect reason to get out in the inevitable Bank Holiday sunshine.
The appropriate rules regarding social distancing will be applied. This does mean that booking will be necessary, though there may be places available on the day. BOOK HERE.
And enjoy some food.
 And afterwards at an unspecified time – 15:00 or after the end of the Nock, whichever is later – we will be holding the club Annual General Meeting, postponed from last November. Open to everyone who is a member, this is our chance to talk about what we are meant to be doing as a club, and what challenges we are facing in the coming months.
The agenda is here and last year’s minutes are here

Return to Shooting Part III Phase 1

As we are now able to return to shooting, albeit in a restricted manner as described in the risk assessment and range rules. Please use the form below to book one of the available sessions. Archers from the same household that may want to shoot on different targets, please make separate bookings. We are still keeping to the rule of one archer per boss unless they are from the same family/bubble. The bosses must be placed 4m apart centre to centre. The lines have been marked to reflect this.

Please NOTE: The new days and times that are available have changed. Please check the booking form for all the info.

Outdoors Only

We can return to the main range from Tuesday 30th March. All the available days/sessions are on the booking form.

More detailed rules and a current risk assessment can be found HERE.


Return To Lockdown

Unfortunately due to the new lockdown restrictions. All forms of archery have now been suspended until further notice.

Please see the full guidance HERE.
