We had a Nock….. On May 31st, ten archers braved the awful conditions to shoot this year’s Nock. Oh, that blazing sunshine! That slight breeze! This is not the gloomy drizzle that archers enjoy. Correctly distanced across the field, the full range of “Western” family rounds was in evidence. As the Nock is a handicap shoot, you can shoot any round you like and still take part. Alex P took advantage of this by starting only after lunch and shooting a Short Junior Warwick. Sue took even greater advantage, by devising a round of her own, shooting the first distance at an Imperial distance, the second at a Metric. But Hey! we had fun. Sadly, we could not have the traditional community nosh, so chilli was not available. But we each had our individual picnics, on the grass in the welcome shade.Alex won the “Glass Nock” (for archers without a handicap yet)The Bronze Nock went to CarolThe Silver Nock went to DeborahThe Gold Nock – the overall winner, went to Ian.It really was a perfect day – everything that is best in archery |
We also had an AGM The minutes can be found here Luckily, a few more members turned up after the Nock, so we did actually have the required quorum! Remember this was the postponed 2020 AGM (so we can have another this year in November – hurrah!) but we also covered some current matters.. Such as |
We need a Treasurer….. Darren has been handling the financial side of the club (as well as just about everything else) since Nicky left. It is certainly not the best way to go about things to have the Chairman as Acting Treasurer. If anyone could see their way to taking this on, it would be wonderful. It is not as complicated as it might be, so long as you are at home in a spreadsheet. We also would consider non-members in the role, so long as they had some connection with the club. So partners or other family members would be welcome – they don’t have to be archers. |
We need more coaches….. Beginners’ Courses have started up again. However, because of a variety of reasons, we have only two coaches who are currently able to take them. If anyone would be interested in training as a Level 1 coach (suitable for running a course), you would be more than welcome. Talk to Darren or Vish if you are interested and want to know what is involved. Most importantly, the club will pay your course fees, in return for you committing to help the club for a couple of years.. |
We need more …… As we take on new beginners, we need to make sure they continue to grow and become part of a thriving club. Before the pandemic, we had “improvers session”, running alongside the courses, where we encouraged new members to take part. At these, experienced archers were there, who could answer questions, help with shooting, and generally make sure everyone was welcome. As we do not have enough active coaches, we are looking to the wider membership to help out in this way. Just try to remember what you would have liked when you started out – often just a word of encouragement. If you could do this, or even would like to be a nominated Mentor on a one-to-one basis with a new archer, again let Darren or Vish know. You are good enough! |
We need more , well, archers! The nock was a splendid day. But we could have had double or treble the numbers shooting. The protections we have put in place are better than recommended by Archery GB, and we can accommodate more bosses than you might think. Yes, you have to book a place, but don’t let that put you off. I know how difficult it is to go back to any activity after a time away. Just remember why you took it up in the first place. Please, we want to see you all back shooting. |
We need more scores Just a quick reminder that, if you shoot a round, you are required by AGB Rules of Shooting to enter it in the club records. It doesn’t matter whether it is a new world record, or the lowest score you could possibly imagine. Please enter it online via Golden Records. If you use your mobile phone to record your scores, most apps will aloow you either to upload to Golden Records direct, or email them to me. If you have any issues with the system, drop me a line. Remember there are awards available for new Classifications, and there is the 252 scheme, These are dependent on online recording. |
Dates for your diary On August 15th, the Yorkshire Inter-Club shoot will be held at Bronte (down by Apperley Bridge). This is a proper competition, but is for everyone, and the more who shoot from our club, the better chance we have of winning. Keep the date. Fingers crossed for restrictions lifting sufficiently, we are having our End of Season and Wharfedale longbow tournaments on September 5th and 12th respectively. All the usual pleas for help will be made nearer the time. If anyone would like to take over the running of the EoS, this is the time to step forward! It is not too difficult, and quite rewarding, |
And finally….After a fairly wordy Cryer, I was going to put a photo of two archers shooting. But, for some reason, I have been forbidden to use it. So here instead is one of two (different) archers relaxing at the Nock. Stay healthy and shoot well! ![]() |